Machine Attributes

Figure 3.11
Machine attributes (which may be reached by right-clicking on a machine, and selecting Attributes... from the pop-up menu) in Buzz can be thought of as parameters which cannot be tracked or recorded. While this may sound like a lack of power, it is not. Attributes are made to give the user access to the "insides" of the machine. For instance, the machine Jeskola Bass 2 includes the two parameters: Max Resonance and Sine Kliks. These two attributes effect how the existing parameters act. The Max resonance for instance, adjusts the top level of Resonance the machine's Resonance parameter may produce.

Although not all machines currently support Attributes, they will become more important throughout the future of Buzz.
Some Machines which Support Attributes: Jeskola Bass 2, Jeskola Bass 3, Jeskola O1, Geonik Pluck String, GeoNiks Amplitude Modulator.